From 2024
With Full SBB in secondary schools, students will have greater flexibility to study more subjects at different levels that suit their interests, aptitude and learning needs. There will no longer be separate Express, N(A), and N(T) streams.
MOE will post students to secondary school through three Posting Groups – Posting Groups 1, 2, and 3. The PSLE score ranges for the three Posting Groups will be mapped from the previous N(T), N(A) and Express streams respectively.

Throughout their secondary school education, students can take subjects at three subject levels, known as G1, G2, G3 (G stands for General), mapped from the previous N(T), N(A) and Express standards respectively.
Singapore-Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) examinations
From 2027, graduating students will sit for the Singapore-Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) examinations, at their respective subject levels (i.e. G1, G2, G3). There will be no change to the examination format, and the SEC examinations will continue to be jointly examined and awarded by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board, MOE, and the Cambridge International Education.
Post Secondary Schools Admission
The existing JC admission criteria (i.e. L1R5 gross aggregate score of 20 or better, excluding bonus points) will be retained and computed with G3 subjects, to ensure that students have the sufficient academic foundation to access the A-Level curriculum
What It Means for Your Child
Based on the pathways above, if your child wants to enjoy more options for post secondary education, they must be learning mainly G3 subjects since the admission to JC is for students who learn at least 6 G3 subjects and 1 G2 subject.