Pass Chemistry With Distinction.
Does your child need more motivation to score in Chemistry?
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Years of TYS Answers for
O & A Level Chemistry
Consistent Record
Score A1, A2, B3 for
O Level Pure Chemistry
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The only way to experience how Winners Education can help your child to understand Chemistry better, easier and faster
Sec 3 & 4
O Level
Pure Chemistry
Does your child Pure Chemistry result fluctuates like the stock market despite having a private tutor or tuition?
Year 3 & 4
Is school pace too fast for your child? Are they expected to self-learn the concepts?Or they cannot seem to apply?
JC 1 & 2
A Level
H2 Chemistry
You are probably puzzled how your child can score less than 40% when Chemistry used to be his best subject.
Fast Track Chemistry
4 Years or Less
Your child wants to start exploring Chemistry at a young age. Maybe it’s out of interest, wants more challenges…
We Inspire
More than 2600 students from almost every secondary schools and junior colleges since 1999.
Lee Hong (Mrs Sim). 5 of her children have been attending our Chemistry tuition classes since 2016.
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